SharePoint wildcard searching:
Friday, February 25, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
PDF iFilter 9 for WSS
Ever tried it and failed? Most likely you have.
I followed these instructions: and it worked. Just have some patience while the search service reindexes your content.
reader 9,
sharepoint services,
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
More than 1 SSL-Secured SharePoint Site
Found a very good link on the topic of multiple IIS 7 sites sharing the SSL port (443).
Helped me a lot...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Create PDF in .Net
Seems like there is an easy way to create PDF-files with the ise of iTextSharp, came across it here.
Datagrid Export, troublesome templatecolumn
Ran into a problem today, which had me puzzled for couple of hours.
I have a Datagrid to which I add TemplateColumns dynamicly. Works like a charm until the customer wanted to export all the data.
So I happily assumed that al I had to do was:
System.IO.StringWriter sw= new System.IO.StringWriterHtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
Works very well as long as the columns are bound. Hower the TemplateColumns are completely blank. I couldn´t figure it out so I did a little googling and came across this blog:
Just pass your datagrid to this method and it transforms the TemplateColumn (and others) to a Literalcontrol with a text property, and tada..... The vaules appear in the export.
private void ClearControls(Control control)
for (int i=control.Controls.Count -1; i>=0; i--)
if (!(control is TableCell))
if (control.GetType().GetProperty("SelectedItem") != null)
LiteralControl literal = new LiteralControl();
{literal.Text = (string)control.GetType().GetProperty("SelectedItem").GetValue(control,null);
if (control.GetType().GetProperty("Text") != null)
LiteralControl literal = new LiteralControl();
literal.Text = (string)control.GetType().GetProperty("Text").GetValue(control,null);
Monday, February 25, 2008
Remoting server
Welcome back.
The hosting server looks like this, remember to add a reference to system.runtime.remoting and to your own server side objects.
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Public Class HostingServer
Shared Sub main()
Dim _Server As New BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider
Dim _Client As New BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider
Dim _props As IDictionary = New Hashtable
Dim _channel As TcpChannel
_Server.TypeFilterLevel = _
_props("port") = 8080
_channel = New TcpChannel(_props, _Client, _Server)
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(_channel, True)
RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType _
(GetType(Server_Objects.Server), _
"Serv", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton)
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit.")
End Sub
End Class
The first part sets the security settings no need to bog down in that. Then we instanciate the channel with the security settings and set it to listen to the port 8080. You can use any port you like that is availible. Register the channel so that the app listens for requests.
Now make the server object "reachable" and as a singleton. This is so that all clients will connect to the same server object.
Now create a new project within the same solution or a new one.
Public Class Server
Inherits MarshalByRefObject
Implements Interfaces.IServer
Private arr As New ArrayList
Public Sub SendToAll(ByVal str As String) Implements Interfaces.IServer.SendToAll
For Each obj As Interfaces.IRemoteClient In arr
End Sub
Public Sub Attach(ByVal irc As Interfaces.IRemoteClient) _
Implements Interfaces.IServer.Attach
Console.WriteLine(irc.Name & " has entered the chat.")
End Sub
Public Sub Detach(ByVal irc As Interfaces.IRemoteClient) _
Implements Interfaces.IServer.Detach
Console.WriteLine(irc.Name & " has left the chat.")
End Sub
Public Function NumOfClients() As Integer _
Implements Interfaces.IServer.NumOfClients
Return arr.Count
End Function
End Class
Now when i´m trying to explain the code I realize that we probably should have started with the Interfaces. Well, well... Just paste the code into your project, as you see its straight forward. The server object implements tha Iserver interface and inherits the Marshalbyrefobject. This is the object that is made public by the hostingserver. All it does is attaching client interfaces to an arraylist, detaches them and counting them and the most importing thing, sending messages to all clients
Next up the mixed files.
The hosting server looks like this, remember to add a reference to system.runtime.remoting and to your own server side objects.
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Public Class HostingServer
Shared Sub main()
Dim _Server As New BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider
Dim _Client As New BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider
Dim _props As IDictionary = New Hashtable
Dim _channel As TcpChannel
_Server.TypeFilterLevel = _
_props("port") = 8080
_channel = New TcpChannel(_props, _Client, _Server)
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(_channel, True)
RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType _
(GetType(Server_Objects.Server), _
"Serv", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton)
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit.")
End Sub
End Class
The first part sets the security settings no need to bog down in that. Then we instanciate the channel with the security settings and set it to listen to the port 8080. You can use any port you like that is availible. Register the channel so that the app listens for requests.
Now make the server object "reachable" and as a singleton. This is so that all clients will connect to the same server object.
Now create a new project within the same solution or a new one.
Public Class Server
Inherits MarshalByRefObject
Implements Interfaces.IServer
Private arr As New ArrayList
Public Sub SendToAll(ByVal str As String) Implements Interfaces.IServer.SendToAll
For Each obj As Interfaces.IRemoteClient In arr
End Sub
Public Sub Attach(ByVal irc As Interfaces.IRemoteClient) _
Implements Interfaces.IServer.Attach
Console.WriteLine(irc.Name & " has entered the chat.")
End Sub
Public Sub Detach(ByVal irc As Interfaces.IRemoteClient) _
Implements Interfaces.IServer.Detach
Console.WriteLine(irc.Name & " has left the chat.")
End Sub
Public Function NumOfClients() As Integer _
Implements Interfaces.IServer.NumOfClients
Return arr.Count
End Function
End Class
Now when i´m trying to explain the code I realize that we probably should have started with the Interfaces. Well, well... Just paste the code into your project, as you see its straight forward. The server object implements tha Iserver interface and inherits the Marshalbyrefobject. This is the object that is made public by the hostingserver. All it does is attaching client interfaces to an arraylist, detaches them and counting them and the most importing thing, sending messages to all clients
Next up the mixed files.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Simple remoting
I've searched the web for a good and simple remoting example. Some were good, some bad and some simply awful. The trouble with the good ones I found, was that none of them where "complete" or lacked certain features that I was in need of. So I've scanned the web, took the parts I liked and put them togheter to create a good example on which one can build a remoting solution. I'm using .net 2.0.
My goal is to create a simple chatroom solution. I don't want the clients to be polling for messages. I want the messages to be distributed to them. For this project i have created three solutions with VS2005. They are called ServerSide, Mixed and ClientSide.
On the server side we have the hosting server. It´s a console application. All that this app does is making other objects reachable. I´ll show you the code soon. Then we have what I call the server object. This can be whatever as long as it inherits from the marshalbyrefobject. This is the object that does the "server work". In this example the serverobject "is" the chat server.
On the client side there is the ClientApplication and a client object. The client application instanciates a client object and "Attaches" it to a server object.
For lack of a better word I call this the mixed files. Files that will be shared by the client and server side. The thing is that the server and client side are not aware of each other. What enables them to interact are interfaces. Both sides have references to these interfaces.
In my next post I´ll start to show you the server code.
My goal is to create a simple chatroom solution. I don't want the clients to be polling for messages. I want the messages to be distributed to them. For this project i have created three solutions with VS2005. They are called ServerSide, Mixed and ClientSide.
On the server side we have the hosting server. It´s a console application. All that this app does is making other objects reachable. I´ll show you the code soon. Then we have what I call the server object. This can be whatever as long as it inherits from the marshalbyrefobject. This is the object that does the "server work". In this example the serverobject "is" the chat server.
On the client side there is the ClientApplication and a client object. The client application instanciates a client object and "Attaches" it to a server object.
For lack of a better word I call this the mixed files. Files that will be shared by the client and server side. The thing is that the server and client side are not aware of each other. What enables them to interact are interfaces. Both sides have references to these interfaces.
In my next post I´ll start to show you the server code.
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